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Overtone Singing & Voice workshop

A transformational journey of discovery into the voice  

All levels of singing ability welcome ; you do not have to sing to participate in these Voice Events 


a) exploration of overtone singing

b) chakra toning: voicing tones that activate the body’s chakras

c) voice work: exercises to open the voice

d) mantras, songs & chants from around the world

e) sound journey and gong bath

A voice workshop with a focus on overtone singing and developing the power of the singing voice. Ravi is known for his ability to convey both the technical aspects as well as the esoteric and healing components of overtone singing. Even for those who do not think of themselves as singers, these workshops give confidence in finding your natural and powerful voice. Those of you who are already singers will find greater depths and possibilities in your voice. Finding our natural sound, breathing from the diaphragm, creating the mouth shapes for overtone singing, expanded listening and finally, hearing our own overtones clearly. We shall also sing together as a choir and explore the self healing and healing effects of harmonics 

“Breath and the sound of the voice are existential imperatives, one cannot wish them away. They connect us directly with our divine souls”

* Book both classes to save £5- £45 instead of £50*

3 March

Menopause Workshop

23 March

Kirtan & Cacao Workshop