Acupuncture Therapy
Acupuncture has developed over thousands of years and is an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Practitioners treat holistically; they take into consideration the whole person – mind and body – to understand the underlying imbalance in the patient’s natural energy or Qi which is causing their “dis-ease”.
Acupuncturists insert fine needles into specific acupuncture points on meridians to correct the imbalance. Once re-balanced, the body’s built-in healing mechanism can then work to alleviate unpleasant symptoms.
Acupuncture helps to restore equilibrium to both mind and body, because practitioners understand that we are not merely physical beings but also emotional and intellectual. This means when we treat, we treat the whole person encompassing the emotions, mind and body enabling acupuncture to work on many symptoms at a deep level.
At the Therapy Life Centre we also like to encourage our clients to actively participate in their own healing perhaps through diet, exercise or lifestyle changes as this enables deeper change and better results.
The first half of the treatment involves detailed questioning of the patient about their symptoms, lifestyle and health issues. After taking the pulse and observing the tongue to build up a complete picture of the patient and their condition, a diagnosis is then made so that the most appropriate points can treated.
Sometimes patients feel sharpness or tingling on insertion of the needle but this is always momentary and dies away quickly. For a few seconds, patients may then also experience a numbness or heaviness when the needle makes contact with the energy at the point. This is a positive indication to the practitioner that the Qi has been influenced.
Needles are usually left in for up to twenty minutes, during which time most patients experience a feeling of calm and relaxation. Immediately after treatment, especially the first time, it is common to feel quite tired.
Many clinical studies have been carried out on the use of acupuncture in the treatment of many conditions, often with very positive results. This includes pain, headaches, joint inflammation, anxiety, fertility to name just a few. More information regarding this research and conclusions can be found on the website of the British Acupuncture Council.
Facial Acupuncturists treatments address various skin concerns, including acne, pigmentation, dehydration, eczema, acne scars, wrinkles, and sagging.
Beyond skin health, acupuncture can help with issues like insomnia, digestive problems, muscle tension, aches and pains, hormone imbalances, appetite control, stress management, and anxiety and so much more.
Lorna Withers - £80 per 1 hour session
Terry Webb - £60 per 1 hour session
Our Acupuncture Therapists
Looking to book? Give us a call on 01702 433959 or request an appointment.
Lorna is an Acupuncturist and Craniosacral Therapist with extensive experience of treating a huge variety of conditions ranging from musculoskeletal pain through to stress related complaints (headaches, anxiety, insomnia) to obstetric and gynaecological conditions.
Terry is an Acupuncturist and a Naturopath Practitioner.
With a keen focus on musculo-skeletal conditions, gastro-intestinal issues, menopause management, stress and other imbalances; using traditional acupuncture, electro-acupuncture and fire cupping which helps reduce pain and improve movement.
Terry uses an integrated medical approach, understanding the body from a bio-medical and energetic viewpoint, utilising principles from dietary therapy, detoxification, movement and fascial realignment.